Our Story



Below is a detailed description of what motivated us to start the Enough Movement and how our Online Store came to life, our purpose behind it is & why we designed the products we have. We hope you love what you read and would appreciate any feedback you might have.


How it Started:

Our brand & our vision is a very unique one.

In the past few years we have seen how much recent events have caused the number of people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and low self esteem sky rocket.

One of the most effective ways to combat these issues, that is most commonly taught in therapy, is positive affirmations. This got us thinking, what if we could create a jewelry brand that somehow combined this therapy tool.

With this in mind we have created jewelry pieces that are designed specifically to help those suffering to feel anxiety relief, and to be reminded of how strong and beautiful they are and most importantly, that they are enough.

This is what sparked the β€œEnough Movement”, our jewelry is so much more than just jewelry, it is a powerful tool that can help you even on your worst days, whether you gift yourself one of our products as an act of self love, or gift it to a loved one who you feel needs it, our products are sure to change the way you see and love yourself in a positive way.


Our Vision:

Our vision is to be there for you during your anxious moments, whether it be during a presentation at work, a loved ones first day of school, being in large crowds, a plane ride or any event where you can use our fidget ring to help soothe your anxiety. There are often days where we struggle to recognize our self worth, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others in a social media driven world, and in some cases we have been made to feel by others that we simply are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, that's why we’ve designed our positive affirmation ring to remind you that you are perfect enough just the way you are, and to help you create those positive thought patterns within yourself.


Why should you get yours today & help us raise awareness?

We have chosen & designed products that have the purpose of making a real difference to family, friends, loved ones & even complete strangers.

Whether it be a gift to yourself as an act of self love, or a gift for a loved one to help them out on their anxious days, or to remind them of their self worth. Mental health matters, and we are now in a time where self love, and spreading that love to others is vital.

Our jewelry helps spread positive affirmations not only to the wearer, but to others who may see you wearing it, along with relief and helpful anxiety coping mechanisms.

Such is our story, such is our passion. We hope you loved what we had to say. If you wish to share your feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can click the 'Contact Us' link in the Main Menu to send us a message.

We truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you!

Don't just take our word for it. We would not be here without our customers and we're proud to be able to say we've helped & supported thousands of our customers' lives in return for their support.



Below is a detailed description of what motivated us to start the Enough Movement and how our Online Store came to life, our purpose behind it is & why we designed the products we have. We hope you love what you read and would appreciate any feedback you might have.


How it Started:

Our brand & our vision is a very unique one.

In the past few years we have seen how much recent events have caused the number of people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and low self esteem sky rocket.

One of the most effective ways to combat these issues, that is most commonly taught in therapy, is positive affirmations. This got us thinking, what if we could create a jewelry brand that somehow combined this therapy tool.

With this in mind we have created jewelry pieces that are designed specifically to help those suffering to feel anxiety relief, and to be reminded of how strong and beautiful they are and most importantly, that they are enough.

This is what sparked the β€œEnough Movement”, our jewelry is so much more than just jewelry, it is a powerful tool that can help you even on your worst days, whether you gift yourself one of our products as an act of self love, or gift it to a loved one who you feel needs it, our products are sure to change the way you see and love yourself in a positive way.


Our Vision:

Our vision is to be there for you during your anxious moments, whether it be during a presentation at work, a loved ones first day of school, being in large crowds, a plane ride or any event where you can use our fidget ring to help soothe your anxiety. There are often days where we struggle to recognize our self worth, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others in a social media driven world, and in some cases we have been made to feel by others that we simply are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, that's why we’ve designed our positive affirmation ring to remind you that you are perfect enough just the way you are, and to help you create those positive thought patterns within yourself.


Why should you get yours today & help us raise awareness?

We have chosen & designed products that have the purpose of making a real difference to family, friends, loved ones & even complete strangers.

Whether it be a gift to yourself as an act of self love, or a gift for a loved one to help them out on their anxious days, or to remind them of their self worth. Mental health matters, and we are now in a time where self love, and spreading that love to others is vital.

Our jewelry helps spread positive affirmations not only to the wearer, but to others who may see you wearing it, along with relief and helpful anxiety coping mechanisms.

Such is our story, such is our passion. We hope you loved what we had to say. If you wish to share your feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can click the 'Contact Us' link in the Main Menu to send us a message.

We truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you!

Don't just take our word for it. We would not be here without our customers and we're proud to be able to say we've helped & supported thousands of our customers' lives in return for their support.